Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Blog - 1

Global warming is when the temperature of the atmosphere rises. This means that the glaciers will melt which causes the sea level to rise. Which means that the houses and habitats will be covered in water. Humans are causing global warming because the factories and creating lots of CO2 (carbon dioxide) which acts like a blanket, warming and heating up the earth. Global warming means a gradual  increase on the temperature in the atmosphere.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Infomation Report

Polar Lights
The polar lights are a natural phenomenon that appear in the night skies in the northern and southern regions of the two hemispheres. The northern lights are known Aurora Borealis and the southern lights are known are the Aurora Australis.

Causes of the Northern and the Southern Lights.
These natural  phenomenon are caused by  a reaction between particles that collide  at altitudes above 80 km. The luminosity or glow of the lights form different colours because the particles that collide with each other aren't the same.

The Northern Lights Or Aurora Borealis
The Northern Lights are associated the with wintertime, although in reality the polar lights are present all year round, It's just that they aren't visible. The background sky has to be fairly dark. You can see northern lights starting at the beginning of September and extending until the middle of April. If the Northern Lights are strong enough, they might still be seen against a twilight sky. The Northern Lights are often referred to as 'night aurora' because they occur on the night side of the Earth and they commonly appear in the early evening and continue late into the night. The aurora lies well above the highest clouds, so we need clear skies to be able to see the phenomenon. In fact, cloudy skies are the greatest obstacle for auroral observations in northern hemisphere and for this reason the inland regions are better suited than near the coast. The days around full moon are not conducive to viewing the Northern Lights because the background sky becomes so light.

The Southern Lights
New Zealand is known for lots of cool natural wonders and the Southern Lights are definitely one of the best. Aurora Australis (The Southern Lights)may be lesser known than Aurora Borealis (The Northern Lights), but it is just as impressive! In New Zealand, you can see the aurora activity as a green and pink hue over the horizon and even jumpy green lines of light.

The aurora borealis and Aurora Australis otherwise known as the northern and southern lights are a vivid demonstration of the Earth's magnetic field interacting with charged particles from the sun.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Itime Refletion

Itime Reflection

I have inquired into coding because I enjoy and coding. I understand and can explain or teach it to other people. I work best when i get things done quick. I loose my focus when i sit and work alone because i get distracted by everything else that is happening. While I engaged and explored coding I improved on my knowledge in coding. During Itime I showed enthusiasm.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Camp Waiwera Recount

Camp Waiwera Recount

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, my alarm woke me up at 7:30 in the morning, I really didn't want to get up, because my room was freezing cold, and in my bed it was nice and toasty. I jumped out of my bed because I was super excited, my first camp was only a few hours away! “Time to go” Mum shouted from downstairs, “to camp Waiwera”.

When we eventually arrived at Camp Waiwera, it was so cool my first camp was finally here! First we settle into our cabins then we did a few activities, which were really cool and fun.  On the second night we did the cookie dance. The cookie dance is heaps of fun, it went something like this: 1 2 3 4 now do the cookie dance, in the cookie dance you do complicated hand movements then just WIGGLE.we had some dinner and went to bed. we were all waiting for the biggest activity at the end, The Amazing Race!

We all rushed to have breakfast so we were ready for The
Amazing Race, we were ready, it was time for The race. We ran to the first activity in the race it was a The Rope game, In the rope game the whole team has to get over the rope, without touching it We went to the next activity which was human pyramid. We needed to make a pyramid out of the team members. Almost done, I can see the finish line our whole team was  running as fast as we could to the finish line. We heard everyone before us yell “3rd you came 3rd”.

I was pretty happy, the next team wasn't far behind us. Then we went and JUST CHILLAXED in the cabins. Then we needed to start packing up our things. Everyone was annoyed because this was the best camp ever. Mum came and picked me up. It was the worst part about camp the drive back from camp.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Random Story

The Random Story

One day in an old town in the desert there was a flood in the sink  of one old mans house. He was very confused about how the flood happened "it was so random" he said. Then he remembered that he was in the random universe. Everything was random, he couldn't do anything, or could he. The mans name was John, "I can stop the randomness of the universe" said John.

Plan - travel to key-world, and find the emerald key its very rare. Then i need to go to the door dimension and unlock the emerald door with the emerald key.It will be a difficult job but its worth the journey. Maybe I can stop and stay in island-land,but ill need some money to buy an island,money doesn't grow on trees you know.

Rich-world  has money growing on trees ill stop there.Then I will get a massive island and make the biggest house in the world. Now that iv'e told you my plan i want to do it. OK here I go, wooooooooaaaaaaah into the portal. Key-world is first now. What to do - Find the emerald key.The key is impossible to find.  Wait what is that, ITS THE KEY MONSTER, AAAAAAAA.

 "I don't want to hurt you I just want to get out of here" said the key monster. "First of you need to know that if you stay in here to long you turn into a key monster" said the key monster "By the way my name is Andy" said Andy. "Whats that smell" said Andy "I farted" said John. Wait what that the fart is going towards the key woooooaaaaah."Found it" said John, to the door dimension.

 "Woooooooaaaaaaaah the door dimension is cool" said Andy "So many doors" said John "Its not this one" said Andy "Neither is this one" said John "Nope not that one" said John "I think i found it" said Andy. "Hey look Andy I found the" "TO STOP THE RANDOMNESS PRESS THIS BUTTON" BOOOP John pressed the button WOOOOOOAAAAAAH "I think we did it" said John "YEAH  we did it im not a key monster anymore' said Andy yeah The End........."Time to go to island-land" said John.